Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Ubasute yama - Learn from a Story
Ubasute yama - Learn from a Story Ubasute yama is one of the Japanese folktales. Uba implies older lady and sute intends to discard or dispose of. Ubasute implies relinquishing an elderly person. ãââ¬Ã£ â¹Ã£ â"ã⬠ãââ¬Ã£ â¹Ã£ â"ã⬠ãâ ã Å"㠾㠾㠪㠚㠨㠮æ §Ëã Å"ã â㠾ã â"ã ÿãâ¬âã 㠮㠚㠨㠮æ §Ë㠯å ¹'Ã¥ ¯âãâšã Å"Ã¥ ¤ §Ã¥ «Å"ã â㠧ã â"ã ÿãâ¬âã âãââ¹Ã¦â" ¥Ã£â¬ 㠨㠮æ §Ë㠯ã⬠å ® ¶Ã¦ ¥Ã£ «Ã¥âº ½Ã¤ ¸ 㠫ç «â¹Ã£ ¦Ã¦Å" ãâ'ç «â¹Ã£ ¦Ã¦ 'ä º ºÃ£ «Ã£ ãâ㠪ã 㠨ãâ'Ã¥' ½Ã£ Ë㠾ã â"ã ÿãâ¬âãâ¬Å"å⦠å ãâ'é žã žã ÿå ¹'Ã¥ ¯âãâšã ¯Ã¥ ± ±Ã£ «Ã¦ ¨Ã£ ¦Ã£ââ¹Ã£ ¹Ã£ â"ãâ¬âÃ¥ ¾Ã£â 㠪ã âÃ¥ ® ¶Ã£ ¯Ã£ ¿Ã£ ªÃ£ ãâ ã â"ãâ¬âã⬠è ª °Ã£ââã Å"ã⬠å ® ¶Ã¤ ¸ 㠮ãââ㠮ã Å"æ ® ºÃ£ â¢Ã£âÅ"ãââ¹Ã£ ®Ã£â'æ ãâÅ"ã ¦Ã£â¬ ä »â¢Ã¦â" ¹Ã£ ªÃ£ 㠨㠮æ §Ë㠮å' ½Ã¤ » ¤Ã£ «Ã¥ ¾Ã£ â㠾ã â"ã ÿãâ¬âã â¢Ã£ ¦Ã£â¬ ã 㠮æ '㠧å ¹'è⬠ã âã ÿæ ¯ è ¦ ªÃ£â'ã â¹Ã£ â¹Ã£ Ëã ÿè⹠¥Ã¨â¬â¦ ã Å"ã šãâšã⬠ãâ¬Å"æ ¯Ã¥ ãâËãâ¬âç § 㠯å⦠å 㠧ã â¢Ã£â¬âÃ¥ ± ±Ã£ «Ã¦ ¨Ã£ ¦Ã£ ¦Ã£ šã ãâÅ"ãâ¬âã⬠ãâ¬Å"ã šæ ¯ ã â¢Ã£âãâ¬âã ãâ㠪㠲㠩ã âã 㠨㠯㠧ã 㠾ã âºÃ£âãâ¬âã⬠ãâ¬Å"éš £Ã£ ®Ã¥ ® ¶Ã£ ®Ã£ šã °Ã£ âã â¢Ã£âãââã⬠åⰠ㠮å ® ¶Ã£ ®Ã£ šã Ëã âã â¢Ã£âãââã⬠ãââã â Ã¥ ± ±Ã£ «Ã¦ ¨Ã£ ¦Ã£ââ°Ã£âÅ"㠾ã â"ã ÿãâ¬âæ⠩㠾㠪ã 㠦ãââã âã â㠧ã â¢Ã£âËãâ¬âã⬠è⹠¥Ã¨â¬â¦ 㠯ã⬠ã â"㠶ã â"㠶æ ¯ è ¦ ªÃ£â'èÆ'Å"ä ¸ 㠫èÆ'Å"è ² ã â 㠨ã⬠å ± ±Ã£â'ç⢠»Ã£âšã ¾Ã£ â"ã ÿã Å"ã⬠ãââ㠯ãâšæ ¯ ãâ'Ã¥ ± ±Ã£ «Ã§ ½ ®Ã£ åž »Ã£âšã «Ã£ â¢Ã£ââ¹Ã£ 㠨㠯㠧ã ã šã⬠æ ¯ è ¦ ªÃ£â'èÆ'Å"è ² 㠣㠦ã⬠å ¤Å"ã 㠣ã ãâÅ¡Ã¥ ® ¶Ã£ «Ã¦Ë »Ã£âšã⬠ã ã â"ã ¦Ã£â¬ è £ 㠮ç' Ã¥ ±â¹Ã£ «Ã©Å¡ ã â"㠾ã â"ã ÿãâ¬â æ⢠°Ã¦â" ¥Ã£ ÿ㠣ã ÿæâ" ¥Ã£ ®Ã£ 㠨ã⬠㠨㠮æ §Ë㠯ã⬠æ 'ä º ºÃ£ «Ã§ °Ã£ ®Ã§ ¸âãâ'ä ½Å"ãââ¹Ã£âËã â Ã¥' ½Ã£ Ë㠾ã â"ã ÿãâ¬âãâ¬Å"ã šæ ¯ ã â¢Ã£âãâ¬â㠚㠨㠮æ §Ëã Å"ç °Ã£ ®Ã§ ¸âãâ'ä ½Å"ãâÅ"㠨㠮ã 㠨㠧ã â¢Ã£â¬âãââ㠣㠦㠿㠾ã â"ã ÿã Å"å⡠ºÃ¦ ¥Ã£ ¾Ã£ âºÃ£âãâ¬âè ª °Ã£ââ㠧ã 㠪ã â㠨ã⬠å ¹'è ² ¢Ã£ Å"é «Ëã 㠪ãâšã ¾Ã£ â¢Ã£â¬âã⬠ãâ¬Å"æ ¯Ã¥ ãâËãâ¬âã ãâÅ"㠯ç ° ¡Ã¥ Ë㠧ã â¢Ã£âËãâ¬âæâ¢â¢Ã£ Ë㠦ä ¸Å¡Ã£ '㠾ã â"ãââ¡Ã£ â ãâ¬âã⬠æ ¯Ã¥ ã ¯Ã£â¬ è ¨â¬Ã£â ãâÅ"ã ÿéâ¬Å¡Ã£âšã⬠ãâ ãââ°Ã£ ªÃ£â 㠮è ¼ ªÃ£â'ä ½Å"ãââ¹Ã£ ¨Ã£â¬ ã ãâÅ"ãâ'Ã¥ ¡ ©Ã¦ °'㠮ä ¸ 㠫å⦠¥Ã£âÅ"ã⬠ä ¹ ¾Ã£ â¹Ã£ â"㠦çâ¡Æ'ãââã â"ã⠬ 㠧ã ã ÿç °Ã£ ®Ã§ ¸âãâ'æ⦠Žé⡠㠫㠨㠮æ §Ë㠮㠨ã ãâ 㠫æÅ" 㠣㠦è ¡Å"ã 㠾ã â"ã ÿãâ¬â ãâ¬Å"ã šä ¸ »Ã£â¬ 㠪ã â¹Ã£ ªÃ£ â¹Ã£ââãââ¹Ã£ ªÃ£â¬âèⰠ¯Ã£ â¹Ã£â ã â ãâ¬âã ãâÅ"㠧㠯ã⬠ãââã â Ã¥ °'ã â"é⺠£Ã£ â"ã âå⢠é ¡Å"ãâ'å⡠ºÃ£ ã â ãâ¬âã ãâÅ"ã ¯Ã£â¬ ä ¸â¬Ã¦Å" ¬Ã£ ®Ã¦ £'㠧ã âãââ¹Ã£â¬â㠩㠡ãââ°Ã£ Å"æ ¹Ã£ ®Ã¦â" ¹Ã£ §Ã£â¬ 㠩㠡ãââ°Ã£ Å"æž ã ®Ã¦â" ¹Ã£ â¹Ã£â¬ ä ¸â¬Ã¤ ¸ ¡Ã¦â" ¥Ã¤ ¸ 㠫ã⬠㠯㠣ã ãâšã â¢Ã£ âºÃ£ ªÃ£ â¢Ã£ âãâ¬âã⬠è⹠¥Ã¨â¬â¦ ã ¯Ã£â¬ æ £'ãâ'Ã¥ ® ¶Ã£ «Ã¦Å" ã ¡Ã¥ ¸ °Ã£âšã ¾Ã£ â"ã ÿã Å"ã⬠éâ¬Ã¦â" ¹Ã£ «Ã£ ãâÅ"ã⬠æ ¯ 㠫ã ÿã šã 㠾ã â"ã ÿãâ¬âãâ¬Å"ç ° ¡Ã¥ Ë㠧ã â¢Ã£âËãâ¬âæ °'㠮å⦠¥Ã£ £Ã£ ÿæ ¡ ¶Ã£â'æÅ" 㠣㠦ã 㠪ã â¢Ã£ âãâ¬âã⬠æ ¯Ã¥ 㠯æ ¡ ¶Ã£â'ç ¨Ã¦â ã â"ã⬠æ £'ãâ'æ °'㠮ä ¸ 㠫å⦠¥Ã£âÅ"㠾ã â"ã ÿãâ¬âãâ¬Å"è ¦â¹Ã£ ¦Ã£ è ¦ §Ã£â¬âä ¸â¹Ã£ «Ã£ âãââ¹Ã¦â" ¹Ã£ Å"æ ¹Ã£ £Ã£ ã §Ã£â¬ æ µ ®Ã£ âã ÿæâ" ¹Ã£ Å"æž ã §Ã£ â¢Ã£âËãâ¬âã⬠è⹠¥Ã¨â¬â¦ 㠯㠨㠮æ §Ë㠮åⰠ㠧ã⬠ç ã Ëãâ'è ¨â¬Ã£ â㠾ã â"ã ÿãâ¬â ãâ¬Å"ãââãââ¹Ã£ ªÃ£â¬âã ãâÅ"㠧㠯ä ¸â¬Ã§â¢ ªÃ©âº £Ã£ â"ã âå⢠é ¡Å"ãâ'å⡠ºÃ£ ã â ãâ¬âÃ¥ ©Ã£ â¹Ã£ ªÃ£ 㠦ãââéÿ ³Ã£ Å"å⡠ºÃ£ââ¹Ã¥ ¤ ªÃ© ¼Ã£â'ä ½Å"㠣㠦ã 㠪ã â¢Ã£ âãâ¬âã⬠è⹠¥Ã¨â¬â¦ 㠯ã⬠çÅ"ÿ㠣é '㠪é ¡Ã£â'ã â"㠦å ¤ ªÃ© ¼Ã£â'æ ºÃ£ Ë㠦å ® ¶Ã£ «Ã¦Ë »Ã£ââ¹Ã£ ¨Ã£â¬ æ ¯ 㠫åš ©Ã£ 'ãâ'æ ±âãâ 㠾ã â"ã ÿãâ¬âãâ¬Å"㠨㠦ãââç ° ¡Ã¥ Ë㠧ã â¢Ã£âËãâ¬âÃ¥ ± ±Ã£ §Ã¨Å"âãâ'æ⢠°Ã¥Å" ¹Ã¦ â¢Ã£ ¾Ã£ Ë㠦ã 㠪ã â¢Ã£ âãâ¬âã⬠æ ¯ è ¦ ªÃ£ ¯Ã£â¬ Ã¥ °'ã â"Ã¥ ¤ ªÃ© ¼Ã£ ®Ã§Å¡ ®Ã£â'ç · ©Ã£â ãââ¹Ã£ ¨Ã£â¬ èÅ"âãâ'ã 㠮ä ¸ 㠫å⦠¥Ã£âÅ"ã⬠㠾ã ÿçš ®Ã£â'ç · ãâ 㠾ã â"ã ÿãâ¬âÃ¥ ¤ ªÃ© ¼Ã£ Å"éÿ ³Ã£â'ç «â¹Ã£ ¦Ã¥ §â¹Ã£â 㠾ã â"ã ÿãâ¬âè⹠¥Ã¨â¬â¦ 㠯éÿ ³Ã£ ®Ã£ â¢Ã£ââ¹Ã£ ÿã âã ãâ'㠨㠮æ §Ë㠫æ ¸ ¡Ã£ â"㠾ã â"ã ÿãâ¬âãâ¬Å"Ã¥ â㠣ã ÿãâ¬âã 㠡㠯ä ¸â¬Ã¤ º ºÃ£ §Ã¤ ¸â°Ã£ ¤Ã£ ®Ã©âº £Ã© ¡Å"ãâ'è § £Ã£ âã ÿ㠮ã â¹Ã£â¬âã⬠ãâ¬Å"㠚㠨㠮æ §Ëã⬠å ®Ã¿Ã£â'ç ³Ã£ â"㠾ã â¢Ã£ ¨Ã£â¬ å⢠é ¡Å"ãâ'è § £Ã£ âã ÿ㠮ã ¯Ã£â¬ ç § 㠧㠯㠪ã ã⬠æ ¯ è ¦ ªÃ£ §Ã£ â¢Ã£â¬â㠚㠨㠮æ §Ë㠯ã⬠å ¹'Ã¥ ¯âãâšãâ'Ã¥ ± ±Ã£ «Ã¦ ¨Ã£ ¦Ã£ââ¹Ã£âËã â Ã¥' ½Ã£ Ë㠾ã â"ã ÿãâ¬â㠧ãââç § 㠯ã⬠ã 㠮ãâËã â 㠪æ ®â¹Ã©â¦ ·Ã£ ªÃ£ 㠨㠯å⡠ºÃ¦ ¥Ã£ ¾Ã£ âºÃ£â㠧ã â"ã ÿãâ¬âæ ¯ ãâ'ç' Ã¥ ±â¹Ã£ «Ã©Å¡ ã â"㠾ã â"ã ÿãâ¬âÃ¥ ¹'Ã¥ ¯âãâšã ¯Ã£â¬ ä ½Ã£ ¯Ã¥ ¼ ±Ã£ 㠪㠣㠦ãââã⬠è⹠¥Ã£ âèâ¬â¦ ãâËãâšçⰠ©Ã§Ã¿ ¥ ãâšã §Ã£ â¢Ã£â¬âã⬠㠨㠮æ §Ë㠯ã â"㠰ãââ°Ã£ èâ¬Æ'ã Ë㠦ã⬠ãâ¬Å"ã 㠮éâ¬Å¡Ã£âšã 㠪ãâ¬âãâ ã â"ã Å"éâ"é â¢Ã£ £Ã£ ¦Ã£ âã ÿãâ¬âãââã â Ã¥ ¹'Ã¥ ¯âãâšãâ'Ã¥ ± ±Ã£ «Ã¦ ¨Ã£ ¦Ã£ââ¹Ã£ ®Ã£ ¯Ã£âËã ã â ãâ¬âã⬠ã ãâÅ"ã â¹Ã£ââ°Ã£ 㠮å⺠½Ã£ ¯Ã£ Å¡Ã¥ ¹'Ã¥ ¯âãâšãâ'Ã¥ ¤ §Ã¥Ëâ¡Ã£ «Ã£ â¢Ã£ââ¹Ã¥âº ½Ã£ «Ã£ ªÃ£âšã ¾Ã£ â"ã ÿãâ¬â Romaji Translation Mukashi, wagamamana otonosama ga imashita.Sono otonosama wa toshiyori ga daikirai deshita.Aru hello there, tonosama wa, kerai ni kunijuu ni tatefuda o tatete murabito ni konna koto o meijimashita.Rokujuu o sugita toshiyori wa yama ni suteru beshi. Shitagawanai ie wa mina goroshi.Daremo ga, iejuu no mono ga korosareru no o osorete, shikatanaku tonosama nno meirei ni shitagaimashita.Sate, sono mura de toshioita hahaoya o kakaeta wakamono ga ori,Musuko yo. Watashi wa rokujuu desu, Yama ni sutete okure.Okaasan. Sonna hidoi koto wa dekimasen.Tonari no ie no obaasan mo, mae no ie no ojiisan mo, mou yama ni suteraremashita. Nayamanakutemo ii desu yo.Wakamono wa, shibushibu hahaoya o senaka ni seou to, yama o noborimashita ga, yahari haha o yama ni okizarini suru koto wa dekizu, hahaoya o seotte, yoru kossori ie ni modori, soshite, ura no naya ni kakushimashita. Suujitsu tatta hello no koto, tonosama wa, murabito ni hai no nawa o tsukuru you meijimashita.Okaasan. Otonosama ga hai no nawa o tsukure to no koto desu. Yattemimashita ga dekimasen. Daremo dekinai to, nengu ga takaku narimasu.Musuko yo. Sore wa kantan desu yo. Oshiete agemashou.Musuko wa, iwareta toori, waranawa no wa o tsukuru to, sore o shiomizu no naka ni wrath, kawakashite moyashi, dekita hai no nawa o shinchou ni tonosama no tokoro ni motte ikimashita. Onushi, nakanaka yaru na. Yokarou. Soredewa, mou sukoshi muzukashii mondai o dasou. Kore wa ippon no bou de aru. Dochira ga ne no hou de, dochira ga eda no hou ka, ichiryoujitsu ni, hakkiri sasenasai.Wakamono wa, bou o ie ni mochikaerimashita ga, tohouni kure, haha ni tazunemashita.Kantan desu yo. Mizu no haitta oke o motte kinasai.Musuko wa oke o youi shi, bou o mizu no naka ni iremashita.Mite goran. Shita ni aru hou ga nekko de, uita hou ga eda desu yo.Wakamono wa tonosama no mae de, kotae o iimashita. Yaru na. Soredewa ichiban muzukashii mondai o dasou. Tatakanakutemo oto ga deru taiko o tsukutte kinasai.Wakamono wa massaona kao o shite taiko o kakaete ie ni modoru to, haha ni tasuke o motomemashita.Totemo kantan desu yo. Yama de hachi o suuhiki tsukamaete kinasai.Hahaoya wa, sukoshi taiko no kawa o yurumeru to, hachi o sono naka ni anger, mata kawa o shimemashita. Taiko ga oto o tatehajimemashita.Wakamono wa oto no suru taiko o tonos
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Reflective observation report
Intelligent perception report Intelligent Observation Report My perception was of a level two football trainer. I went to a meeting once per week for three weeks with a similar gathering. Remaining with a similar gathering was valuable as I had the option to see the improvement of the competitors and see the full assortment of instructing procedures and styles of discovering that was applied by the mentor. The age bunch was fifteen to multi year olds and the meetings kept going 3 hours. The mentor would for the most part utilize an assortment of showing styles all through their meetings. One style utilized was the subjective learning style. On an essential drill of discovering development in a restricted space a few players thought that it was difficult to recognize where space is frequently found and how to misuse it. The mentor approached these players and made them see the game from an outside point of view. By making the players see the game and attempt to take care of the issue of constrained space, intellectual learning occurred. In the wake of review the drill once over the mentor sent the players back in and they indicated an obvious difference in strategies and in the particular game a positive improved degree of capacity. The mentor utilized a comparative strategy in an alternate meeting. The holding playmaker of the group was battling with their passing vision. The player couldnt distinguish when and where to go to keep ownership. The mentor understanding this set the player schoolwork. The mentor gave the player a dvd, which incorporated the fundamental five territories of a playmakers passing reach and had instances of tip top footballers playing out the set passes. In the following meeting the player was indicated improvement and shown a more settled presentation in the meetings end game. This included interest, thinking and memory some key attributes of the psychological learning style. At the point when certain players were defiant the mentor rushed to act and make case of the players. Disciplines, for ex ample, press-ups, sit-ups and runs were totally included. These disciplines set the pace of the football field. Be defiant to the mentor or different partners and get discipline. While doing the disciplines different players viewed and latently recognized the proper behavior on a football field. With this a customary event the players were dependent upon the social learning style. Learning data dependent on the condition that an individual is set in. The condition that the footballers were put in establishes a positive pace of not to be insubordinate with the mentor or colleagues. The meetings I went to were at the early piece of the football season. Picking up coordinate wellness was indispensably significant. How this was accomplished was done as such in an equitable manner. The mentor hadnt recently worked with this specific gathering and was uncertain of wellness levels. The mentor in this manner arranged the set focuses with the players. The commander of the group was at the fr ont of the exchanges. The mentor utilized this as a holding movement and increased social association with the players. This latent uninvolved methodology indicated the players the degree of regard that the mentor had for them. This expanded the players inspiration and the mentor had players accomplishing wellness objectives which were set by the players in this way dialing the weight down them. One of the more in fact troublesome drills the mentor set up was set piece preparing. The mentor set two groups of protectors and assailants. They were likewise advised to act if in a game circumstance. This away from of group based rivalry was an indication of group based learning. The safeguards were forgotten about to figure how best to set up their protective unit. The aggressors would need to settle on choices on how best to assault the objective. The ball could either be crossed or shot at from one of the more actually better players in the group. This sort of match condition is an ind ication of further social learning. The mentor let the drill go on and adopted an aloof strategy yet when the aggressors neglected to score after a kept up timeframe the mentor felt the time had come to intercede. The mentor showed a less difficult alternative which made more objective scoring possibilities. The basic difference in strategies grew a bigger number of chances on objective than previously. This is an indication of valuable learning. The mentor let them build up a fundamental structure of assaulting the objective however when they arrived at their breaking point the mentor just gave a couple of bits of data to assist them with going somewhat further developed. The assailants took in a fundamental getting themselves and were possibly evolved on when important by the mentor. Not long after doing this the mentor did likewise with the protecting group. A basic recommendation of putting two players on the post denied numerous exact shots by the assaulting group. By permittin g the players to consistently develop themselves and possibly having mentor obstruction when totally important the mentor turned into a facilitator not a speaker which is a key quality of productive learning. By deciding the state and needs of the players by interceding to aid improvement, the mentor gave indications of instructional structure learning. During the finish of the third meeting the mentor again adopted a latent strategy. A drill was set up to move opportunity and innovativeness. Samba music was played and the drill was to beat your rival one on one. Abilities and stunts were urged to build up the imagination and pizazz of the players. This remittance of free wandering and placing confidence in the players that they would make and utilize complex abilities was an indication of humanism. To sum up, I accept the mentor was of an elevated level and had the option to show complex drills effortlessly. I saw an assortment of drills educated and a wide scope of learning styles consolidated. There werent many set objectives in the meetings. Rather there was an increasingly broad improvement of a wide scope of aptitudes. Possibly this was because of the mentor uncertain of to what extent his arrangement was with this specific gathering of players. The key focal point of the considerable number of meetings was generally ruled by wellness. In doing this the mentor indicated his essential from of educating was done in a law based way. The players were of an adequate capacity to enhance their own wellness and the mentor was only authorizing the thought not simply the real practice.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Where to Study
Where to Study In college, you may find yourself in the occasional dilemma of where to study. Some might suggest that you study wherever your friends are studying. Some will say they have the perfect location that they will never stray from. Others may not even consider location at all. During my freshman year, I found that I could never study well with others or alone in my residence hall room. I always liked to have a spacious location where I felt comfortable enough to really focus on my work. As my first semester in college went along, I found a place that I considered the best location for studying. I enjoyed studying at the Ikenberry Library since it was so close to Snyder Hall, the residence hall that I lived in my freshman year. I would go to the library for hours and enjoy plenty of studying success. It is a quiet environment with fantastic lighting. Youll only find the perfect place for studying if you try out a ton of different places and situations. Dont be afraid to fail, and keep an open mind to what might work really well. If youre seeing good results on exams after studying at certain locations, stick with what works. Location truly does matter when it comes to studying. Take location seriously and your study game will go to the next level. Jacob Class of 2019 Iâm an Advertising student within the College of Media. My hometown is a place called Fairmount, Illinois, which is about 30 minutes from campus. I began my Illinois journey in the Division of General Studies.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Global Media - 1711 Words
Nowadays, people live in a global age and the pace of globalisation has accelerated as a result of the rapid development of technology and economy. Under the process of globalisation, both the local culture and the mass media are affected dramatically. The phenomenon of homogenisation and heterogenisation has been created and is considered as the most representative and symbolic impact. However, the topic of globalisation is highly controversial and needs to be analysed in depth. In history, three theories have been used by scholars to look at globalisation and its effect. The modernisation theory and cultural dependency theory analysed the positive and negative influences of homogenisation as a result of globalisation. Heterogenisation,â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦In comparison with the large import of other countries, America imports only 1 percent of its commercial programmes and 2 percent of public service programmes (Barker 1997: 49). Similar to Hollywood films, the global expansion of Starbucks especially in China can be considered as another example of homogenisation. From 2002 to 2006, the number of its coffee houses has increased from 50 to 165 outlets in China (Biederman 2005). At that period, people in China could appreciate the benefit of globalisation as they were able to experience the American modern life. Nevertheless, as part of the American cultural empire, Starbucks leads an invasion against the local culture. As a result of its fast expansion, an increasing number of local Chinese-tea cafes is replaced by Starbucks coffee houses. Moreover, in 2000, there even appeared a Starbucks coffee shop in The Forbidden City in Beijing, one of the most historic sites of China (BBC NEWS 2007). Although the Starbucks coffee house was eventually shut down in 2007, this event clearly showed that under the process of global homogenisation, the cultural integrity of weak societies such as its local heritage are force d to face a great menace by the dominant cultural imperialism of developed countries. Unlike the former two perspectives, cultural pluralism theory looks at the relations and interactions between the local and global. Firstly, instead of being influenced passively, the local audienceShow MoreRelatedMedia And The Global Media1417 Words à |à 6 Pagesbringing about the global media order. The first of these five shifts is the increasing concentration of ownership. This means that the global media is now dominated by a small number of powerful, centralized media conglomerates. Sociological theories of the various forms of the media shows us that they can never be assumed to be politically neutral or socially beneficial. 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According to a study done by graduate students at Harvard, as technology expands and media corporationsRead MoreSocial Media Has Become A Global Phenomenon2681 Words à |à 11 Pagessocial media. This is not limited to people who are living in most advanced countries but in less technologically advanced countries as well. This, in other word, indicates that social media has become a global phenomena. Published and unpublished sources show that over a billion of people around the globe visit social media at some time regardless of the amount and nature of use. Understanding the ever growing number of subscribers, software programmers are developing various social media platforms
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Essay about Character, Values and Morals in Huckleberry Finn
Character, Values and Morals in Huckleberry Finn Mark Twains Huckleberry Finn is perhaps one of the most controversial novels the North American Continent has ever produced. Since its publication more than a hundred years ago controversy has surrounded the book. The most basic debate surrounding Twains masterpiece is whether the books language and the character of Jim are presented in a racist manner. Many have called for the book to be banned from our nations schools and libraries. Mark Twains novel is about a young boy who was raised in the south before slavery was abolished, a place where racism and bigotry were the fabric of every day life. The novel is the account of how Huck Finn, who is a product of theseâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Hucks father is absent until he finds out that Huck has found some money. Pap is an outcast full of hate for blacks and pretty much for all of society. Huck, as a product of his society, speaks the language of his society. By choosing as his point-of-view a young boy from the slave sout h, Twain is able to present and challenge the values and assumptions of this time. Among the assumptions and values of the time that the reader encounters in the book are the strict definitions pertaining to Hucks world and the people who inhabit it: The world of Huckleberry Finn presents a curious mixture of Calvinist principles and aristocratic ideals. . . . We meet most of the fundamentalist Christian sects from their Sunday schools to their Methodist and Presbyterian churches; from Revivalist camp meetings to lay preachers (like brother Phelps) and ministers (like the Wilks brothers). We meet representatives of all three classes from upper and lower orders of the ruling Whites to Blacks. For that is the first division: Whites (who are people) and Blacks (just niggers). People, in their turn are further divided into two castes: the quality and plain folks. (Beaver 64-5) In order for Huck to challenge any of the values and assumptions of the time he must first be acquainted with them. And he is not only intimately acquainted with the values of his society but he holds many of its beliefs himself. But Huck longs for freedom awayShow MoreRelatedEssay about Huckleberry Finn is Not a Racist Work1519 Words à |à 7 PagesHuckleberry Finn is Not a Racist Work ââ¬Å"All modern literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn,â⬠this is what fellow writer had to say about this classic novel. Still, this novel has been the object of controversy since it was published more than 150 years ago. Some people argue that Huckleberry Finn is a racist work, and that the novel has no place in a highschool classroom. This feeling is generated because a main character in the story, Jim, and other slavesRead MoreAnalysis Of The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn 1679 Words à |à 7 Pages1. Analysis of an Important Character Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a story about growing up, facing the world, and fighting for whatââ¬â¢s right. Huckleberry Finn matures greatly throughout the book, and Tom Sawyer plays an important role in showing this change. His character allows the reader to see Huckââ¬â¢s increase in maturity throughout the story. Tom is the constant, his immaturity not changing from the beginning to the end of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, while Huck is the changing variableRead MoreThe Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn s Life And The Book1313 Words à |à 6 PagesTom Sawyer plays a huge role in both Huckleberry Finnââ¬â¢s life and the book. His character allows the reader to see Huckââ¬â¢s increase of maturity throughout the story. Tom is the constant, his immaturity not changing from the beginning to the end of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, while Huck is the changing variable. Tomââ¬â¢s head is in the clouds when we first meet his character. He imagines daring adven tures of robbing Spanish merchants and rich Arabs, and we see Huck fantasizing over the same thingsRead MoreThe Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By Mr. Mark Twain929 Words à |à 4 Pagesfew pages, or even sentences, the evidence of local color prevails in the novel of the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, written by ââ¬Å"Mr. Mark Twainâ⬠(106). Local color is defined by Donna Campbell of Washington State University as ââ¬Å"fiction and poetry that focuses on the characters, dialect, customs, topography, and other features particular to a specific region.â⬠The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is one of the greatest examples and reveals all the characteristics of local color writing. The firstRead MoreThe Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain1675 Words à |à 7 PagesThe Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Ernest Hemingway once stated, ââ¬Å"All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn. American writing comes from that. There was nothing before. There has been nothing as good since.â⬠Accordingly, Hemingway believes that The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Huckleberry Finn) is an iconic book that sets the stage for all other American literature in the future. In any case, three reasons why Huckleberry Finn is one of the greatestRead More charhf Character in Huckleberry Finn Essay examples1304 Words à |à 6 PagesThe Importance of Character in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Mark Twainââ¬â¢s novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is one of the worldââ¬â¢s most acclaimed books. Twain accomplishes this with his extraordinary power of humor, his use of dialect, and by creating complex and unique characters. Developing his characters is one of the greatest assets he has in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. A character that exemplifies this most is Huck Finn, first appearing as rouge, but later transformingRead MoreHuckleberry Finn and the use of Satire Essay1109 Words à |à 5 Pages Huck Finn and the use of Satire Mark Twains The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn has been controversial ever since its release in 1884. It has been called everything from the root of modern American literature to a piece of racist trash. Many scholars have argued about Huck Finn being prejudiced. In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain uses satire to mock many different aspects of the modern world. Despite the fact that many critics have accused Mark Twainââ¬â¢s novel of promoting racismRead MoreComparing Lord of the Flies with The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn1005 Words à |à 5 Pagesadventures of Huckleberry Finn. In these two books , it deals with the two main characters who are not old enough to hold such responsibilities. Therefore, in both books a change in society enabled the characters to experience and develop important life values. The characters of the story are lead to freedom but learn about the huge responsibility they have which is taking care of themselves and others around them. The y are able to distinguish from good and bad. Self taught sense of moral responsibilityRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn 1310 Words à |à 6 PagesThe Adventures of Huckleberry Finn has been a topic of debate for a long time. The most heated topic of debate is if the novel is racist and if it should then be included in school curriculum whether. Many believe this book should be taken out of school curriculum for being racist. Huckleberry FInn should be taught in schools because of its satire, views on slavery and morals, and depiction of antebellum America. Huck Finn still remains a classic Twain s use of satire is one of the many thingsRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn 1648 Words à |à 7 PagesLola Parsapour Mr. Ruddy AP Lang 3 September 2015 The Value in the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, written by Mark Twain, developed into one of the most controversial books in America. The basis of this controversy can be summarized briefly for it was the use of racial slur and issues of slavery that caused tension in our society. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was banned for the first time one month after its publication. ââ¬Å"ââ¬Å"Not suitable for trashâ⬠was the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Promote Professional Development - 1216 Words
Yvonne Hemmings Leadership and Management Level 5 Assessment Task: Promote Professional development As a manager in your setting you know that the ability to reflect on your own practice is an essential skill. You have decided to prepare a set of guidance notes on the principles of professional development for your staff team which; 1 ââ¬â Understand principles of professional development 1.1 Explains the importance of continually improving knowledge and practice. In my opinion I believe it is important to continue to develop and improve my knowledge and practice so that I am able to manage my team effectively. When I have all the new and relevant information I am in a better position to deliver quality service to the service users. Withâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Managers will need to identify the barriers to professional development and seek the appropriate methods of supporting staff to reach their full potential. 1.3 Compare the use of different sources and systems of support for professional development There are different sources and systems of support for professional development; ie Appraisals, development plan, induction, in-house-training, external training and reflective diary. Induction to the work place is an essential start to understanding the aims, objectives and purpose of the work place. Induction will provide staff with basis knowledge and skills they need to carry out their job roles effectively. With induction you will be guided through the some of the policies and procedures, shown around the work place and be introduced to the service users and staff. Appraisal and personal development plan will enable staff to keep their knowledge and skills up dated and will allow staff to talk about their strengths and weaknesses with their manager. Staff will be able to identify the areas that they need to develop and how to achieve set targets. In-house training will assist staff in gaining the skills that they need to carry out their duties and to ensure that they are following the companyââ¬â¢s policies and procedures and will allow staff to interact and support each other. However external training will provide staff with the skills and qualifications that they need to be ableShow MoreRelatedPromote Professional Development1379 Words à |à 6 PagesPromote Professional Development I think it is important to continually improve knowledge and practice as things change very quickly within organisations, there are always new things to be learnt on everything that we do, sometimes the changes are made for the better to make peoples jobs easier, other times changes are made to keep up with new technology, policies or new information that has come to light recently. Having up to date knowledge is important for you as an individual but also forRead MorePromote Professional Development2561 Words à |à 11 Pagesï » ¿CU2942 Promote Professional Development 1 understand principles of professional development 1.1 The importance of continually improving knowledge and practice is that you can ensure that you are aware of any new relevant legislation and you can also improve the service you provide. It also gives you the opportunity to reflect on what you are good at as well as what you are not so good at, so that you can see what areas you can improve in. Professional development is an opportunity to reflectRead MoreEssay on Promote Professional Development1154 Words à |à 5 PagesUnit 2 Promote professional development The importance of professional knowledge and practice with in the role of a social care worker is so that they can be kept up to date with all the changes. Within the health care profession all staff must be proactive and focused in their roles, with an ever changing of legislation and minimum standards, it is important that training and the ways of working are kept up to date. Each person within the team should been given an opportunity to develop furtherRead MoreEssay on Promote Professional Development1349 Words à |à 6 PagesIt is important to continually strive to improve our knowledge and the way we practice, this can be applied to personal or professional goals. Developing our potential, will enhance our work role and promote our talents. It enhances our lives and contributes to achieving our dreams and aspirations Continued professional development is important, and itââ¬â¢s not just about attending training courses. It about promoting a culture for learning, with work based learning at the centre of this. In orderRead MorePromote Professional Development Essay1036 Words à |à 5 PagesPromote Professional Development 4.1 Compare models of reflective practice Reflective practice is an essential means of developing basic skills and knowledge into expert skills and knowledge. Repetition of a particular skill enables a worker to become more competent in [performance, and eliminates poor practice. Workers can assist their team mates to improve their performance. Reflective practice helps workers think about how they could change their way of working ââ¬â or should change theirRead MorePromote Professional Development Essays2745 Words à |à 11 PagesPromote professional development CU2942 1. Explain the importance of continually improving knowledge and practice Within my role, it is important to continually improve knowledge and practice so I am aware of how to give the best diverse and equal care to children, stay fully up to date with all standards and legislations. Regarding parents, they are the customer and this entails all care towards their child may need to be explained to them. E.g. what is the Early Years Foundation StageRead MoreUnit 502 ââ¬â Promote Professional Development1079 Words à |à 5 Pagesï » ¿Unit 502 ââ¬â Promote Professional Development Learning Outcome 1. Understand the principles of professional development 1.1 Explain the importance of continually improving knowledge and practice It is important for me to continually improve my knowledge and follow best practice. I need to ensure that I am aware of and follow current RQIA Minimum Standards, Supporting People QAF and NISCC standards. By doing this I am following current legislation and guidelines for continued good practiceRead MorePursuing An Atmosphere That Promotes Professional Development987 Words à |à 4 Pagescuts, downsizing and the overall decline in the economy. This in turn has required employers to devise new training practices; to become innovative with learning strategies and methodologies. The challenge to provide an atmosphere that promotes professional development has led to new formats for sharing knowledge and training. Learning takes place constantly, whether we realize it or not. We learn by listening, observing and teaching. We also learn through formal and informal formats. Both of theseRead MorePromote Professional Development Essay example2176 Words à |à 9 PagesLHS2 ââ¬â Promote professional development Outcome 1 ââ¬â Understand principles of professional development 1.1 The important of continually improving knowledge and practice is that you can ensure that you are aware of any new relevant legislation and also you can improve the service that you provide. It also gives you the opportunity to reflect on what you are good at as well as what you are not so good at, so that you can see what areas you can improve in. Professional development is an opportunityRead MoreUnit 2 Promote professional development3611 Words à |à 15 Pagesï » ¿Unit 2 Promote professional development 1.1 Explain the importance of continually improving knowledge and practice It is essential, in order to provide a good quality of service and ensure best practise, that managers and their staff receive the relevant regular mandatory training and updates. This training should be identified at the annual appraisal and then reviewed at supervision where positive/negative feedback can be given as appropriate to show how any training received is incorporated
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Key Resources for a Virtual Reality Gaming Centre â⬠Free Samples
Question: Discuss about the Key Resources for a Virtual Reality Gaming Centre. Answer: Introduction Opportunities for virtual reality gaming centers are on gradual rise with global rise in disposable incomes(Saposnik G. T., 2010). As virtual reality creates an ambience with engulfs an individual into an experience virtual gaming is something that is drawing large number of crowds everywhere in the world. The scope of this report deals in the key resources that are used by virtual reality gaming centers for establishment. Analysis Virtual reality games creates an artificial atmosphere, hence the required resources includes hi-tech goggles, software which can create projection of an environment. An auditorium or a place of business for providing customers the experience has to be created. All equipment for the game needs to be purchased as jockey sticks if required, siting arrangement and the software needs to be updated or changed from time to time. Tremendous amounts of education and training programs are required of staffs and employees of the gaming center, hence the most important resource is the human resource who can handhold customers for using the technology feature. Virtual gaming allows individual a real world experience through the incredible power of technology. The headset that projects various images is the most important aspect of the game that allows experience over the space aspect. Conclusion There is a steep rise in virtual reality gaming business through steady investment in the field. Virtual gaming offers long-term bets on future of computing which can enhance the scope of hardware and software market enhancing to about $75 billion by 2020. Investment in 2016 alone has been to the tune of $6.8 billion. But there is a high level of indulgence in software required and technology involved. References Saposnik, G. M. (2010). Effectiveness of Virtual Reality Exercises in STroke Rehabilitation (EVREST): rationale, design, and protocol of a pilot randomized clinical trial assessing the Wii gaming system. International Journal of Stroke, 47-51. Saposnik, G. T. (2010). Effectiveness of virtual reality using Wii gaming technology in stroke rehabilitation. Stroke, 1477-1484.
Sunday, April 5, 2020
Three Major Demographic Questions To Ask The HR Director free essay sample
List three major situational questions to ask the HRS director, explain why you are asking them and how you think the answers will contribute to the speech preparation. 1) What is the size of the audience? A. Knowing how small or large the audience is will affect your language, choice of appeals, and use of visual aids. B. The answer will contribute to the preparation because depending on the size the larger the audience, the more formal your presentation will be. 2) Ask information about the physical settings of the speech location. A.Ensuring that the physical settings will not interfere with your audiences willingness to accept your ideas or listen to you at all. B. This answer will contribute to the preparation and deliverance of the speech because you will have to work harder to adapt to these aspects of your listeners discomfort. Being prepared, your audience will see that you are energetic, alert, and involved with your topic, giving you a better chance at keeping your audience engaged. We will write a custom essay sample on Three Major Demographic Questions To Ask The HR Director or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Shoshanna johnson essays
Shoshanna johnson essays In the current U.S. military, women fight in the battlefields along with men like never before. Long gone are the days when female soldiers were nurses or were serving in some other unseen duty. As a result, 24 female soldiers have died in Iraq, 15 from enemy fire. Today more women have died in this war than in any war since World War II. (Germany) Despite how many women have died, for the supporters of women rights in the military, it's a giant step for gender equality. People argue that it isn't a positive development but one that does more harm to society than good. And while women now serve on combat ships, fly combat missions and conduct door to door searches through dangerous Iraqi neighborhoods, many limits still remain. They're still restricted from infantry units, armor and field artillery companies in wartime. So while the combat doors have opened for women willing to die for their country just as the men do, the battle for complete gender equality remains a conflict. According to Elias there is over 210,000 women serve their country in the armed forces, comprising more than 15 percent of the total force. (Elias 1) About 80 percent of the jobs and more than 90 percent of the career fields are open to women, but there are still certain fields in which women can not serve in. Sadly women still face barriers. This should not be. There's no doubt that more American service women are in life-threatening situations now more than ever before. Just recently there has been a huge controversy about two women in the military who were captured during the war in Iraq and held against their will for countless days, their names are Shoshana Johnson and Jessica lynch. Shoshana Johnson and Jessica Lynch both come from poor families and both are good examples of the typical enlisted females. Many women that enlist in the military are either poor or are looking for a different alterative for college. ...
Friday, February 21, 2020
Description of the Work as a Support Worker in Health and Social Care Assignment
Description of the Work as a Support Worker in Health and Social Care - Assignment Example Moreover, apart from conducting the above-stated activity, I focused on how to enhance my communication skills, as there lays the requirement of communicating with the people of the community in order to make them learn about varied complex needs within a particular community. My job profile, as a support worker specifically in health and social care segment, also includes supporting the people towards solving their respective diverse learning difficulties. It will be vital to mention that serving the people living in a community who are severely ill and in the condition of dying, is also one of my job roles as a support worker in the respective segment. These job roles are usually performed by making dynamic team efforts with the incorporation of individual professional skills (Prime Care, 2010). Apart from my work as a support worker in health and social care segment, I also perform the job roles of a fashion stylist. In this regard, as a fashion stylist, I had to communicate with the clients in order to make them aware of the new fashion trends. Especially mentioning, as a leader, I need to supervise the performance of my teammates and encourage their team spirit in order to gain professional excellence by highly satisfying the clients with better execution of my professional skills (Gradireland, 2012). Furthermore, in relation to the work of a fashion stylist, I often had to perform the job role of an image consultant, which requires greater development in professional skills while advising the clients to make them aware about the dresses that would best suit them. Thus, in order to perform the above-stated job roles, there lays the requirement of developing excellent communication skills in order to become an effective fashion stylist consultant. Especially mentioning my job profile as a fashion stylist demands as the role of a team leader for supervising my subordinates in delivering quality services to the client.Ã Ã
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
American history in 1800s Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
American history in 1800s - Essay Example US English was not recognized world, however after the introduction of this dictionary US English literature gained a lot of recognition (Cobble, 2004). There are many events which are associated with the social reform movement of 1800. Congressional reconstruction is one such event in the history of USA. As far as the history of USA is concerned, historians often associated two particular events of the history to the reconstruction era. One part of reconstruction era is concerned with the time period of 1865 to 1877 (Murphy, 2003). This was the period when USA had just dealt with the civil war in the country. The reconstruction era reflects the rebuilding of society and state on modern basis (Harris, 2004). The second part of reconstruction was associated with the transformation of Southern states of USA. President Abraham Lincoln was the major players of setting up stateââ¬â¢s government on a new pattern (Chused, 1994). Social reforms of 1800sââ¬â¢ have an important association with the future of USA. Today USA has Afro-American President who has been elected for two consecutive years. This reflects the fact that social reforms of USA history have played a major part for the growth and development of America. Equal rights for every citizen are also product of that time (Dougherty,
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Should Alternative Dispute Resolution be Made Compulsory?
Should Alternative Dispute Resolution be Made Compulsory? Introduction. It is a sad fact of life that disputes can and do arise from even the most trivial incidents and activities. They are always totally unexpected and usually highly predictable.[1] For a long time, people have been worried about civil litigation. It is costly, time consuming, worrying and takes a long time to decide.[2] Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is a term which refers to various procedures developed in the United States over the last 15 years or so in an attempt to overcome some of the weaknesses in the litigation and arbitration processes.[3] This essay will look at Alternative Dispute Resolution in England. I will start by looking at the concept of Alternative dispute resolution. I will briefly examine Lord Phillipââ¬â¢s speech delivered in India on 29 March 2008. Finally, I will give my views on whether Alternative Dispute Resolution should be made compulsory in England and the problems that would be encountered if Alternative Dispute Resolution is made compulsory in England. Alternative Dispute Resolution A focus on rights has played a significant part in the transformation of Western political culture from the harmony ideology of feudal societies in to 20th century participatory democracy. However, 30 years on from the birth of the civil rights movement in the United States, there are those who now express scepticism over the achievements of a rights oriented public culture.[4] As a consequence, some now propose a rethinking of rights ideology, as both a method of dispute resolution and a definition of social relations, and the development of alternative process for dealing with conflicts and claims.[5] Such strategies are generally described as offering alternatives, since adjudication according to rights remains the formal approach to dispute resolution in the west.[6] In common law jurisdictions, conversation about alternatives to litigation began to take institutional shape from the early 1980ââ¬â¢s, in a range of disparate experimental procedures sharing the common label ââ¬ËAlternative Dispute Resolutionââ¬â¢, with its universal acronym ADR.[7] The relationship of this growing complex of practices to lawyer negotiations, litigation and adjudication is far from straight forward. Some of the innovations taking place are directed towards speedy settlement of disputes between litigants without the involvement of lawyers, others appear to be implicated in, and are indeed extensions of legal practice, while others appear as supplements to, or modifications of court process.[8] The English Legal System is based on the adversarial system of litigation. This means that both sides to a case separately prepare their respective submissions and then arrive at court and participate in a quasi-gladiatorial contest until the tribunal of fact (in civil trials this usually being a judge) pronounces the winner.[9] In recent times, there is now been an acceptance that alternatives to the adversarial system of justice may be appropriate due to the high cost involved in the adversarial system of justice. One of the easiest alternatives to implement is to encourage disputes to be resolved other than by recourse to litigation. This has led to the establishment of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR).[10] Since 1990, many British lawyers, have taken an active interest in ADR, as a means of avoiding the public and private expense and the private pain of litigation.[11] The increased importance of ADR mechanisms has been signalled in both legislation and court procedures. For example the Commercial Court issued a practice statement in 1993, stating that it wished to encourage ADR, and followed this in 1996 with a further direction allowing judges to consider whether a case is suitable for ADR at its outset, and to invite the parties to attempt a neutral non-court settlement of their dispute.[12] In cases in the Court of Appeal, the Master of the Rolls now writes to the parties, urging them to consider ADR and asking them for their reasons for declining to use it. Rule 26.4 of the Civil Procedure rules (CPR) 1998 enables judges, either on their own account or at the agreement of both parties, to stop court proceedings where they consider the dispute to be best suited to solution by some alternative procedure, such as arbitration or mediation.[13] There is no universally accepted definition of ADR. The phrase ADR encompasses a range of procedures other than litigation which are designed to resolve conflicts. ADR processes include negotiation, mediation, conciliation, expert determination, adjudication, and arbitration.[14] Alternative Dispute Resolution or ADR may be defined, ââ¬Ëââ¬â¢as a range of procedures that serve as alternatives to litigation through courts for the resolution of disputes, generally involving the intercession and assistance of a neutral and impartial third party. In some definitions, and more commonly it excludes all forms of adjudication.[15] The Department for Constitutional Affairs defines ADR as , ââ¬Ëââ¬â¢ The collective term for the ways that parties can settle civil disputes, with the help of an independent third party and without the need for a formal court hearing.[16] There are three principle forms of ADR. Arbitration, Mediation and Conciliation. Some commentators argue that ADR can be divided in to two classes, those being adjudicative and consensual.[17] The former is called arbitration, and it is quite similar to court proceedings and this has led critics to ask, if there is anything alternative about ADR.[18] Four goals of ADR are : To relieve court congestion, as well as undue delay and cost; to enhance community involvement in the dispute resolution process; to facilitate access to justice and finally; to provide more effective dispute resolution.[19] Lord Phillip is a staunch supporter of Alternative Dispute Resolution. I believe that he wants ADR to be made compulsory in England Conclusion. Alternative Dispute Resolution no doubt has many advantages. There is a chance that you may quickly resolve your problem and you may be awarded compensation. The procedure is less formal court proceedings. In some cases, the decision may be binding on one of the parties, but not on the other party, thereby leaving one party free to pursue the matter through the court if he wishes. Alternative Dispute Resolution is usually much cheaper than going to court and the procedure is confidential. ADR will be difficult in disputes between more than two parties, where the parties have not already contracted for a consolidated arbitration and the parties will not agree to arbitration, going to court is potentially the only way of getting interlocking disputes resolved by the same tribunal.[20] A party that is proposing to enter a number of related contracts should particularly bear this situation at the drafting stage. There are two specific aspects to the matter. First, the related contracts should provide for an identical scheme of dispute resolution otherwise that party may find itself involves mediation or arbitration or litigation depending on which other party is involved.[21] Secondly, the drafting must address the need for multi party proceedings, and establish a back to back set of contractual obligations for this purpose. A difference in the powers at different levels will make the mufti-party proceeding very difficult to conduct.[22] If these two aspects of the matter are not addressed, the parties will be better off, with litigation as the fall back method of dispute resolution.[23] Where a number of actions raise substantially similar issues, such that a decision in one of them will probably enable the parties in the others to compromise their dispute, litigation is likely to be preferable[24]. Where there is a difficult question of interpretation of common form contract, or of the application of a common form of contract to some event which affects a large number of similar contracts or the operation of a market, it may well be preferable to obtain an authoritative ruing of the courts on the point.[25] In numerous jurisdictions, legislation ensures that in the case of a consumer dispute, where the terms upon which the consumer purchased the goods or services includes an arbitration clause, the consumer has a choice of whether to take his dispute to arbitration or litigation.[26] Bibliography Bevan, A.H (1992) Alternative Dispute Resolution, Sweet Maxwell, London Brown, H Marriott, A (1999) ADR Principles and Practice, Sweet Maxwell, London dââ¬â¢Ambrumenil, P.L (1998) What is Dispute Resolution, LLP Referencing Publishing, London Darbyshire, P (1992) English Legal System, Seventh Edition, Sweet Maxwell, London Elliot, C Quinn, F (2005) English Legal System, Sixth Edition, Pearson, Harlow Fiadjoe, A (2004) Alternative Dispute Resolution: A developing world perspective, Cavendish, London. Frank, E (2003) How Arbitration Works, Sixth Edition, Bureau of National Affairs, Washington D.C Freeman, M (ed.) (2006) Alternative Dispute Resolution, Dartmouth Publishing, Aldershot Gillespie, A (2007) The English Legal System, Oxford University Press, Oxford Lord, Phillips (2008) Alternative Dispute Resolution: An English View Point, can be assessed at> MacFarlane, J, (ed.) (1997) Rethinking Disputes: The Mediation Alternative, Cavendish, London Palmer, M Roberts, S (1998) Dispute Processes, ADR and the Primary Forms of Decision Making, Butterworths, London Petley, M (1992) Alternative Dispute Resolution: An Introduction, College of Law, London Slapper, G Kelly, D (2003) The English Legal System, Cavendish, London Tweeddale, A and Tweeddale, K (2005) Arbitration of Commercial Disputes, Oxford University Press, Oxford Tackaberry, J Marriott, A (2003) Bernsteinââ¬â¢s Handbook of Arbitration and Dispute Resolution, Sweet Maxwell, London 1 Footnotes [1] dââ¬â¢Ambrumenil, (1998) p.5 [2] Bevan (1992) p.2 [3] Bevan, (ibid) p.2 [4] MccFarlane, J (1997) p.1 [5] MccFarlane, J (ibid) p.2 [6] MccFarlane, J (ibid) p.2 [7] Palmer, M Roberts, S (1998) p.2 [8] Palmer, M Roberts, S (ibid) p.2 [9] Gillespie, A (2007) p.469 [10] Gillespie, A (ibid) p.470 [11] Darbyshire, P (1992) p.12 [12] Slapper, G Kelly, D (2003) p.314 [13] Slapper, G Kelly, D (ibid) p.314 [14] Tweeddale, A Tweeddale, K (2005) [15] Brown, H Marriott, A (1999) p.12 [16] citied in Gillespie, A (ibid) p.470 [17] Shipman, 2006 p.182 cited in Gillespie, A (ibid) p.470 [18] Boon and Levin, 1999, p.373 Gillespie, A (ibid) p.470 [19] Freeman, M (2006) p.98 [20] Tackaberry, J Marriott, A (2003)p.22 [21] Tackaberry, J Marriott, A (ibid)p.23 [22] Tackaberry, J Marriott, A (ibid)p.23 [23] Tackaberry, J Marriott, A (ibid)p.23 [24] Tackaberry, J Marriott, A (ibid)p.23 [25] Tackaberry, J Marriott, A (ibid)p.23-24 [26] Tackaberry, J Marriott, A (ibid)p.24
Sunday, January 19, 2020
What Women Want: Then and Now :: The Wife of Bathââ¬â¢s Tale Essays
What Women Want: Then and Now 1. According to ââ¬Å"The Wife of Bathââ¬â¢s Taleâ⬠and the story of Dame Ragnell, what is it that women most desire? Do you agree or disagree? Explain. According to these two tales, women desire sovereignty over their husbands, to be treated as masters over their love. Women wish to be given the ultimate say over whichever decisions might be brought into their household. They wish for their men to behave without arrogance and supremacy, to step to their every move in unison. We women simply ask that a man might think with his head and not with his ego, he should think about the impact his behavior has on us. I would agree to with this statement. However I think that is the nature of HUMAN desire to try to control everything surrounding us, to be able to think and decide on our own how something may affect us, and to decide whether or not our decisions will make our lives better or worse. Humans also like to have control over another and to be able to be so important to someone that no decision is ever made without your consultation. More often than not, even in contemporary culture, men dictate to the household what will be done because they make the money. Then, again as times have changed, this fact becomes fallacy and women have begun to step up to the plate, claiming this right for themselves. Women in the fourteenth century had almost no legal rights and were claimed as their husbandââ¬â¢s property for dowry. Presently and thankfully, such tremendous circumstance is uncommon. What men do not understand is that women already have control over everything. They just hide it in subliminal messages so that the man will think any idea his own and find himself brilliant in his pronouncement of resolution. All the while the woman has been furtively planting the idea in his head. It is a matter of arrogance, if you ask me. Men need to feel as though they are the foundation of a family; they are the means by which it might survive. Women are sensible enough to understand this arrogance as a fact, and use it to work in their favor. Women know that so long as they propose the idea as their husbandââ¬â¢s, the men will think it great. For example, pretend you need a girlââ¬â¢s night out.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Assess the view that factors and processes within the school are the main cause Essay
Many sociologists argue that ââ¬Å"factors and processes within school are the main cause of differenceâ⬠These factors include gender, class and ethnicity. All of these things can lead to certain stereotypes and labels being forced upon pupils. The idea that Teachers have certain expectations of different social and ethnic groups means that self-fulfilling prophecy can lead to pupils living out positive and negative labels. The role of gender in educational achievement is that in past times it has been that boys have achieved less than girls in school, this could be that boys have a history of ââ¬Ëladdishââ¬â¢ behaviour and have had a negative attitude to learning. This had also led to teachers expectations of ââ¬Ëladsââ¬â¢ to be low which has caused negative stereotypes and labels. All of these things have in turn caused many anti-school subcultures. Jackson did a study about how this ââ¬Ëladdishââ¬â¢ behaviour is now being seen in some girls which could in fact mean that it is not only boys that have these negative labels but also girls. Another factor that may influence the achievement of girls is that girls now have a lot of higher role models and more opportunities in the future; this can lead to them working harder because they can see themselves being successful in the future. Another In-school factor would be ethnicity, different ethnic groups achieve better than others in education, for example the highest achieving ethnic group is British Chinese and the lowest would be black African Caribbean boys. The reasons for these differences in achievement could be linked to family morals and attitudes to school. Teachers also have expectations of different ethnic groups which again, like gender can lead to positive and negative labels and stereotypes. The curriculum in schools could also lead to this due to it being ethnocentric. Differences in class an play a crucial role in the achievement between different classes, for example working class children do not have as much cultural capital as middle class children and this can play a vital part in how they achieve at school, due to teachers expectations of how they behave and achieve. The idea of the hidden curriculum means that schools are preparing students for middle class jobs with middle class ideas. Also the idea that middle class teachers get on better with idle class students also reinforces the idea of teacherââ¬â¢s expectations which can lead to self-fulfilling prophecy and students either over or under achieving. One more in-school factor would be pupil subcultures and how streaming and setting can lead to both anti and pro school subcultures, This again links to the idea of self-fulfilling prophecy and that students may either reject their labels or follow them. The organisation of the school can also be closely linked to class and how students may be put into lower streams or sets due to their social background and how teachers perceive them. Home backgrounds of students also contribute to a large part of their achievement. The differences in class can lead to many home disadvantages such as material deprivation which means that students do not have enough money for resources such as private tutors, laptops, trips or uniforms; this will give them a disadvantage compared to middle class students. Working class students may also have other responsibilities to attend to such as looking after siblings or even disabled parents; this means that they do not have as much time to spend on studying. Parentââ¬â¢s attitudes towards school and education can also prove to be an impact, if a parent has a negative attitude to school and learning then the child will not have as much pressure or ambition to do as well. This idea of parent expectations links closely with ethnicity and how different ethnic groups view educarion. In conclusion there are many in school processes that can influence the achievement of children such as gender and how girls and boys are perceived and what teachers expect of them. Another would be Class and how working and middle class students achieve differently due to aspects of school life like the hidden curriculum. Also ethnicity and the expectations and ideas about certain groups like the British Chinese. There are also a lot of out of school factors such as home background, material deprivation and parentsââ¬â¢ expectations. Overall I believe that the both in school factors and out of school factors contribute to the differences in educational achievement of different social groups.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Analysis Of Rene Descartes Discourse On The Method Essay
Rene Descartesââ¬â¢ ââ¬Å"Discourse on the Methodâ⬠focuses on distinguishing the human rationale, apart from animals and robots. Wherein, he does so by explaining how neither animals, nor machines possess the same mental faculties as humans. For Descartes distinguishes the human rationale apart from non-humans, even though he does agree the two closely resemble each other because of their sense organs, and physical functions (Descartes, pp22). Nevertheless, it is because the mechanical lacks a necessary aspect of the mind, which consequently separates them from humans. For in Descartes ââ¬Å"Discourse on the Method,â⬠he argues that the noteworthy difference between humans, and the mechanical is that machines are only responding to the world through of their sense organs. Whereas humans possess the significant faculties of reasoning, which allows them to understand external inputs and information obtained from the surrounding environment. This significantly creates a dividing ââ¬Ëlineââ¬â¢, which separates humans from non-humans. For in this paper, I will firstly distinguish the differences between the human and mechanicalââ¬â¢s mentality in regards to Descartes ââ¬Å"Discourse on the Methodâ⬠. Secondly, I will theorize a modern AI that could possess the concept of an intellectual mind, and then hypothesize a powerful AI that lacks the ability to understand its intelligence. Lastly, in disagreeing in why there are no such machines that is equivalent to the human mind. For humans donââ¬â¢t possess all theShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Rene Descartes s Work Discourse On The Method Of A Machine1316 Words à |à 6 PagesThroughout his work Discourse on the Method, Rene Descartes discusses the things he believes to be true concerning thought. He discusses the things which he believes to be more perfect and the things which he believes to be less perfect (pt 2, para 1). 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