Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Ubasute yama - Learn from a Story
Ubasute yama - Learn from a Story Ubasute yama is one of the Japanese folktales. Uba implies older lady and sute intends to discard or dispose of. Ubasute implies relinquishing an elderly person. ãââ¬Ã£ â¹Ã£ â"ã⬠ãââ¬Ã£ â¹Ã£ â"ã⬠ãâ ã Å"㠾㠾㠪㠚㠨㠮æ §Ëã Å"ã â㠾ã â"ã ÿãâ¬âã 㠮㠚㠨㠮æ §Ë㠯å ¹'Ã¥ ¯âãâšã Å"Ã¥ ¤ §Ã¥ «Å"ã â㠧ã â"ã ÿãâ¬âã âãââ¹Ã¦â" ¥Ã£â¬ 㠨㠮æ §Ë㠯ã⬠å ® ¶Ã¦ ¥Ã£ «Ã¥âº ½Ã¤ ¸ 㠫ç «â¹Ã£ ¦Ã¦Å" ãâ'ç «â¹Ã£ ¦Ã¦ 'ä º ºÃ£ «Ã£ ãâ㠪ã 㠨ãâ'Ã¥' ½Ã£ Ë㠾ã â"ã ÿãâ¬âãâ¬Å"å⦠å ãâ'é žã žã ÿå ¹'Ã¥ ¯âãâšã ¯Ã¥ ± ±Ã£ «Ã¦ ¨Ã£ ¦Ã£ââ¹Ã£ ¹Ã£ â"ãâ¬âÃ¥ ¾Ã£â 㠪ã âÃ¥ ® ¶Ã£ ¯Ã£ ¿Ã£ ªÃ£ ãâ ã â"ãâ¬âã⬠è ª °Ã£ââã Å"ã⬠å ® ¶Ã¤ ¸ 㠮ãââ㠮ã Å"æ ® ºÃ£ â¢Ã£âÅ"ãââ¹Ã£ ®Ã£â'æ ãâÅ"ã ¦Ã£â¬ ä »â¢Ã¦â" ¹Ã£ ªÃ£ 㠨㠮æ §Ë㠮å' ½Ã¤ » ¤Ã£ «Ã¥ ¾Ã£ â㠾ã â"ã ÿãâ¬âã â¢Ã£ ¦Ã£â¬ ã 㠮æ '㠧å ¹'è⬠ã âã ÿæ ¯ è ¦ ªÃ£â'ã â¹Ã£ â¹Ã£ Ëã ÿè⹠¥Ã¨â¬â¦ ã Å"ã šãâšã⬠ãâ¬Å"æ ¯Ã¥ ãâËãâ¬âç § 㠯å⦠å 㠧ã â¢Ã£â¬âÃ¥ ± ±Ã£ «Ã¦ ¨Ã£ ¦Ã£ ¦Ã£ šã ãâÅ"ãâ¬âã⬠ãâ¬Å"ã šæ ¯ ã â¢Ã£âãâ¬âã ãâ㠪㠲㠩ã âã 㠨㠯㠧ã 㠾ã âºÃ£âãâ¬âã⬠ãâ¬Å"éš £Ã£ ®Ã¥ ® ¶Ã£ ®Ã£ šã °Ã£ âã â¢Ã£âãââã⬠åⰠ㠮å ® ¶Ã£ ®Ã£ šã Ëã âã â¢Ã£âãââã⬠ãââã â Ã¥ ± ±Ã£ «Ã¦ ¨Ã£ ¦Ã£ââ°Ã£âÅ"㠾ã â"ã ÿãâ¬âæ⠩㠾㠪ã 㠦ãââã âã â㠧ã â¢Ã£âËãâ¬âã⬠è⹠¥Ã¨â¬â¦ 㠯ã⬠ã â"㠶ã â"㠶æ ¯ è ¦ ªÃ£â'èÆ'Å"ä ¸ 㠫èÆ'Å"è ² ã â 㠨ã⬠å ± ±Ã£â'ç⢠»Ã£âšã ¾Ã£ â"ã ÿã Å"ã⬠ãââ㠯ãâšæ ¯ ãâ'Ã¥ ± ±Ã£ «Ã§ ½ ®Ã£ åž »Ã£âšã «Ã£ â¢Ã£ââ¹Ã£ 㠨㠯㠧ã ã šã⬠æ ¯ è ¦ ªÃ£â'èÆ'Å"è ² 㠣㠦ã⬠å ¤Å"ã 㠣ã ãâÅ¡Ã¥ ® ¶Ã£ «Ã¦Ë »Ã£âšã⬠ã ã â"ã ¦Ã£â¬ è £ 㠮ç' Ã¥ ±â¹Ã£ «Ã©Å¡ ã â"㠾ã â"ã ÿãâ¬â æ⢠°Ã¦â" ¥Ã£ ÿ㠣ã ÿæâ" ¥Ã£ ®Ã£ 㠨ã⬠㠨㠮æ §Ë㠯ã⬠æ 'ä º ºÃ£ «Ã§ °Ã£ ®Ã§ ¸âãâ'ä ½Å"ãââ¹Ã£âËã â Ã¥' ½Ã£ Ë㠾ã â"ã ÿãâ¬âãâ¬Å"ã šæ ¯ ã â¢Ã£âãâ¬â㠚㠨㠮æ §Ëã Å"ç °Ã£ ®Ã§ ¸âãâ'ä ½Å"ãâÅ"㠨㠮ã 㠨㠧ã â¢Ã£â¬âãââ㠣㠦㠿㠾ã â"ã ÿã Å"å⡠ºÃ¦ ¥Ã£ ¾Ã£ âºÃ£âãâ¬âè ª °Ã£ââ㠧ã 㠪ã â㠨ã⬠å ¹'è ² ¢Ã£ Å"é «Ëã 㠪ãâšã ¾Ã£ â¢Ã£â¬âã⬠ãâ¬Å"æ ¯Ã¥ ãâËãâ¬âã ãâÅ"㠯ç ° ¡Ã¥ Ë㠧ã â¢Ã£âËãâ¬âæâ¢â¢Ã£ Ë㠦ä ¸Å¡Ã£ '㠾ã â"ãââ¡Ã£ â ãâ¬âã⬠æ ¯Ã¥ ã ¯Ã£â¬ è ¨â¬Ã£â ãâÅ"ã ÿéâ¬Å¡Ã£âšã⬠ãâ ãââ°Ã£ ªÃ£â 㠮è ¼ ªÃ£â'ä ½Å"ãââ¹Ã£ ¨Ã£â¬ ã ãâÅ"ãâ'Ã¥ ¡ ©Ã¦ °'㠮ä ¸ 㠫å⦠¥Ã£âÅ"ã⬠ä ¹ ¾Ã£ â¹Ã£ â"㠦çâ¡Æ'ãââã â"ã⠬ 㠧ã ã ÿç °Ã£ ®Ã§ ¸âãâ'æ⦠Žé⡠㠫㠨㠮æ §Ë㠮㠨ã ãâ 㠫æÅ" 㠣㠦è ¡Å"ã 㠾ã â"ã ÿãâ¬â ãâ¬Å"ã šä ¸ »Ã£â¬ 㠪ã â¹Ã£ ªÃ£ â¹Ã£ââãââ¹Ã£ ªÃ£â¬âèⰠ¯Ã£ â¹Ã£â ã â ãâ¬âã ãâÅ"㠧㠯ã⬠ãââã â Ã¥ °'ã â"é⺠£Ã£ â"ã âå⢠é ¡Å"ãâ'å⡠ºÃ£ ã â ãâ¬âã ãâÅ"ã ¯Ã£â¬ ä ¸â¬Ã¦Å" ¬Ã£ ®Ã¦ £'㠧ã âãââ¹Ã£â¬â㠩㠡ãââ°Ã£ Å"æ ¹Ã£ ®Ã¦â" ¹Ã£ §Ã£â¬ 㠩㠡ãââ°Ã£ Å"æž ã ®Ã¦â" ¹Ã£ â¹Ã£â¬ ä ¸â¬Ã¤ ¸ ¡Ã¦â" ¥Ã¤ ¸ 㠫ã⬠㠯㠣ã ãâšã â¢Ã£ âºÃ£ ªÃ£ â¢Ã£ âãâ¬âã⬠è⹠¥Ã¨â¬â¦ ã ¯Ã£â¬ æ £'ãâ'Ã¥ ® ¶Ã£ «Ã¦Å" ã ¡Ã¥ ¸ °Ã£âšã ¾Ã£ â"ã ÿã Å"ã⬠éâ¬Ã¦â" ¹Ã£ «Ã£ ãâÅ"ã⬠æ ¯ 㠫ã ÿã šã 㠾ã â"ã ÿãâ¬âãâ¬Å"ç ° ¡Ã¥ Ë㠧ã â¢Ã£âËãâ¬âæ °'㠮å⦠¥Ã£ £Ã£ ÿæ ¡ ¶Ã£â'æÅ" 㠣㠦ã 㠪ã â¢Ã£ âãâ¬âã⬠æ ¯Ã¥ 㠯æ ¡ ¶Ã£â'ç ¨Ã¦â ã â"ã⬠æ £'ãâ'æ °'㠮ä ¸ 㠫å⦠¥Ã£âÅ"㠾ã â"ã ÿãâ¬âãâ¬Å"è ¦â¹Ã£ ¦Ã£ è ¦ §Ã£â¬âä ¸â¹Ã£ «Ã£ âãââ¹Ã¦â" ¹Ã£ Å"æ ¹Ã£ £Ã£ ã §Ã£â¬ æ µ ®Ã£ âã ÿæâ" ¹Ã£ Å"æž ã §Ã£ â¢Ã£âËãâ¬âã⬠è⹠¥Ã¨â¬â¦ 㠯㠨㠮æ §Ë㠮åⰠ㠧ã⬠ç ã Ëãâ'è ¨â¬Ã£ â㠾ã â"ã ÿãâ¬â ãâ¬Å"ãââãââ¹Ã£ ªÃ£â¬âã ãâÅ"㠧㠯ä ¸â¬Ã§â¢ ªÃ©âº £Ã£ â"ã âå⢠é ¡Å"ãâ'å⡠ºÃ£ ã â ãâ¬âÃ¥ ©Ã£ â¹Ã£ ªÃ£ 㠦ãââéÿ ³Ã£ Å"å⡠ºÃ£ââ¹Ã¥ ¤ ªÃ© ¼Ã£â'ä ½Å"㠣㠦ã 㠪ã â¢Ã£ âãâ¬âã⬠è⹠¥Ã¨â¬â¦ 㠯ã⬠çÅ"ÿ㠣é '㠪é ¡Ã£â'ã â"㠦å ¤ ªÃ© ¼Ã£â'æ ºÃ£ Ë㠦å ® ¶Ã£ «Ã¦Ë »Ã£ââ¹Ã£ ¨Ã£â¬ æ ¯ 㠫åš ©Ã£ 'ãâ'æ ±âãâ 㠾ã â"ã ÿãâ¬âãâ¬Å"㠨㠦ãââç ° ¡Ã¥ Ë㠧ã â¢Ã£âËãâ¬âÃ¥ ± ±Ã£ §Ã¨Å"âãâ'æ⢠°Ã¥Å" ¹Ã¦ â¢Ã£ ¾Ã£ Ë㠦ã 㠪ã â¢Ã£ âãâ¬âã⬠æ ¯ è ¦ ªÃ£ ¯Ã£â¬ Ã¥ °'ã â"Ã¥ ¤ ªÃ© ¼Ã£ ®Ã§Å¡ ®Ã£â'ç · ©Ã£â ãââ¹Ã£ ¨Ã£â¬ èÅ"âãâ'ã 㠮ä ¸ 㠫å⦠¥Ã£âÅ"ã⬠㠾ã ÿçš ®Ã£â'ç · ãâ 㠾ã â"ã ÿãâ¬âÃ¥ ¤ ªÃ© ¼Ã£ Å"éÿ ³Ã£â'ç «â¹Ã£ ¦Ã¥ §â¹Ã£â 㠾ã â"ã ÿãâ¬âè⹠¥Ã¨â¬â¦ 㠯éÿ ³Ã£ ®Ã£ â¢Ã£ââ¹Ã£ ÿã âã ãâ'㠨㠮æ §Ë㠫æ ¸ ¡Ã£ â"㠾ã â"ã ÿãâ¬âãâ¬Å"Ã¥ â㠣ã ÿãâ¬âã 㠡㠯ä ¸â¬Ã¤ º ºÃ£ §Ã¤ ¸â°Ã£ ¤Ã£ ®Ã©âº £Ã© ¡Å"ãâ'è § £Ã£ âã ÿ㠮ã â¹Ã£â¬âã⬠ãâ¬Å"㠚㠨㠮æ §Ëã⬠å ®Ã¿Ã£â'ç ³Ã£ â"㠾ã â¢Ã£ ¨Ã£â¬ å⢠é ¡Å"ãâ'è § £Ã£ âã ÿ㠮ã ¯Ã£â¬ ç § 㠧㠯㠪ã ã⬠æ ¯ è ¦ ªÃ£ §Ã£ â¢Ã£â¬â㠚㠨㠮æ §Ë㠯ã⬠å ¹'Ã¥ ¯âãâšãâ'Ã¥ ± ±Ã£ «Ã¦ ¨Ã£ ¦Ã£ââ¹Ã£âËã â Ã¥' ½Ã£ Ë㠾ã â"ã ÿãâ¬â㠧ãââç § 㠯ã⬠ã 㠮ãâËã â 㠪æ ®â¹Ã©â¦ ·Ã£ ªÃ£ 㠨㠯å⡠ºÃ¦ ¥Ã£ ¾Ã£ âºÃ£â㠧ã â"ã ÿãâ¬âæ ¯ ãâ'ç' Ã¥ ±â¹Ã£ «Ã©Å¡ ã â"㠾ã â"ã ÿãâ¬âÃ¥ ¹'Ã¥ ¯âãâšã ¯Ã£â¬ ä ½Ã£ ¯Ã¥ ¼ ±Ã£ 㠪㠣㠦ãââã⬠è⹠¥Ã£ âèâ¬â¦ ãâËãâšçⰠ©Ã§Ã¿ ¥ ãâšã §Ã£ â¢Ã£â¬âã⬠㠨㠮æ §Ë㠯ã â"㠰ãââ°Ã£ èâ¬Æ'ã Ë㠦ã⬠ãâ¬Å"ã 㠮éâ¬Å¡Ã£âšã 㠪ãâ¬âãâ ã â"ã Å"éâ"é â¢Ã£ £Ã£ ¦Ã£ âã ÿãâ¬âãââã â Ã¥ ¹'Ã¥ ¯âãâšãâ'Ã¥ ± ±Ã£ «Ã¦ ¨Ã£ ¦Ã£ââ¹Ã£ ®Ã£ ¯Ã£âËã ã â ãâ¬âã⬠ã ãâÅ"ã â¹Ã£ââ°Ã£ 㠮å⺠½Ã£ ¯Ã£ Å¡Ã¥ ¹'Ã¥ ¯âãâšãâ'Ã¥ ¤ §Ã¥Ëâ¡Ã£ «Ã£ â¢Ã£ââ¹Ã¥âº ½Ã£ «Ã£ ªÃ£âšã ¾Ã£ â"ã ÿãâ¬â Romaji Translation Mukashi, wagamamana otonosama ga imashita.Sono otonosama wa toshiyori ga daikirai deshita.Aru hello there, tonosama wa, kerai ni kunijuu ni tatefuda o tatete murabito ni konna koto o meijimashita.Rokujuu o sugita toshiyori wa yama ni suteru beshi. Shitagawanai ie wa mina goroshi.Daremo ga, iejuu no mono ga korosareru no o osorete, shikatanaku tonosama nno meirei ni shitagaimashita.Sate, sono mura de toshioita hahaoya o kakaeta wakamono ga ori,Musuko yo. Watashi wa rokujuu desu, Yama ni sutete okure.Okaasan. Sonna hidoi koto wa dekimasen.Tonari no ie no obaasan mo, mae no ie no ojiisan mo, mou yama ni suteraremashita. Nayamanakutemo ii desu yo.Wakamono wa, shibushibu hahaoya o senaka ni seou to, yama o noborimashita ga, yahari haha o yama ni okizarini suru koto wa dekizu, hahaoya o seotte, yoru kossori ie ni modori, soshite, ura no naya ni kakushimashita. Suujitsu tatta hello no koto, tonosama wa, murabito ni hai no nawa o tsukuru you meijimashita.Okaasan. Otonosama ga hai no nawa o tsukure to no koto desu. Yattemimashita ga dekimasen. Daremo dekinai to, nengu ga takaku narimasu.Musuko yo. Sore wa kantan desu yo. Oshiete agemashou.Musuko wa, iwareta toori, waranawa no wa o tsukuru to, sore o shiomizu no naka ni wrath, kawakashite moyashi, dekita hai no nawa o shinchou ni tonosama no tokoro ni motte ikimashita. Onushi, nakanaka yaru na. Yokarou. Soredewa, mou sukoshi muzukashii mondai o dasou. Kore wa ippon no bou de aru. Dochira ga ne no hou de, dochira ga eda no hou ka, ichiryoujitsu ni, hakkiri sasenasai.Wakamono wa, bou o ie ni mochikaerimashita ga, tohouni kure, haha ni tazunemashita.Kantan desu yo. Mizu no haitta oke o motte kinasai.Musuko wa oke o youi shi, bou o mizu no naka ni iremashita.Mite goran. Shita ni aru hou ga nekko de, uita hou ga eda desu yo.Wakamono wa tonosama no mae de, kotae o iimashita. Yaru na. Soredewa ichiban muzukashii mondai o dasou. Tatakanakutemo oto ga deru taiko o tsukutte kinasai.Wakamono wa massaona kao o shite taiko o kakaete ie ni modoru to, haha ni tasuke o motomemashita.Totemo kantan desu yo. Yama de hachi o suuhiki tsukamaete kinasai.Hahaoya wa, sukoshi taiko no kawa o yurumeru to, hachi o sono naka ni anger, mata kawa o shimemashita. Taiko ga oto o tatehajimemashita.Wakamono wa oto no suru taiko o tonos
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Reflective observation report
Intelligent perception report Intelligent Observation Report My perception was of a level two football trainer. I went to a meeting once per week for three weeks with a similar gathering. Remaining with a similar gathering was valuable as I had the option to see the improvement of the competitors and see the full assortment of instructing procedures and styles of discovering that was applied by the mentor. The age bunch was fifteen to multi year olds and the meetings kept going 3 hours. The mentor would for the most part utilize an assortment of showing styles all through their meetings. One style utilized was the subjective learning style. On an essential drill of discovering development in a restricted space a few players thought that it was difficult to recognize where space is frequently found and how to misuse it. The mentor approached these players and made them see the game from an outside point of view. By making the players see the game and attempt to take care of the issue of constrained space, intellectual learning occurred. In the wake of review the drill once over the mentor sent the players back in and they indicated an obvious difference in strategies and in the particular game a positive improved degree of capacity. The mentor utilized a comparative strategy in an alternate meeting. The holding playmaker of the group was battling with their passing vision. The player couldnt distinguish when and where to go to keep ownership. The mentor understanding this set the player schoolwork. The mentor gave the player a dvd, which incorporated the fundamental five territories of a playmakers passing reach and had instances of tip top footballers playing out the set passes. In the following meeting the player was indicated improvement and shown a more settled presentation in the meetings end game. This included interest, thinking and memory some key attributes of the psychological learning style. At the point when certain players were defiant the mentor rushed to act and make case of the players. Disciplines, for ex ample, press-ups, sit-ups and runs were totally included. These disciplines set the pace of the football field. Be defiant to the mentor or different partners and get discipline. While doing the disciplines different players viewed and latently recognized the proper behavior on a football field. With this a customary event the players were dependent upon the social learning style. Learning data dependent on the condition that an individual is set in. The condition that the footballers were put in establishes a positive pace of not to be insubordinate with the mentor or colleagues. The meetings I went to were at the early piece of the football season. Picking up coordinate wellness was indispensably significant. How this was accomplished was done as such in an equitable manner. The mentor hadnt recently worked with this specific gathering and was uncertain of wellness levels. The mentor in this manner arranged the set focuses with the players. The commander of the group was at the fr ont of the exchanges. The mentor utilized this as a holding movement and increased social association with the players. This latent uninvolved methodology indicated the players the degree of regard that the mentor had for them. This expanded the players inspiration and the mentor had players accomplishing wellness objectives which were set by the players in this way dialing the weight down them. One of the more in fact troublesome drills the mentor set up was set piece preparing. The mentor set two groups of protectors and assailants. They were likewise advised to act if in a game circumstance. This away from of group based rivalry was an indication of group based learning. The safeguards were forgotten about to figure how best to set up their protective unit. The aggressors would need to settle on choices on how best to assault the objective. The ball could either be crossed or shot at from one of the more actually better players in the group. This sort of match condition is an ind ication of further social learning. The mentor let the drill go on and adopted an aloof strategy yet when the aggressors neglected to score after a kept up timeframe the mentor felt the time had come to intercede. The mentor showed a less difficult alternative which made more objective scoring possibilities. The basic difference in strategies grew a bigger number of chances on objective than previously. This is an indication of valuable learning. The mentor let them build up a fundamental structure of assaulting the objective however when they arrived at their breaking point the mentor just gave a couple of bits of data to assist them with going somewhat further developed. The assailants took in a fundamental getting themselves and were possibly evolved on when important by the mentor. Not long after doing this the mentor did likewise with the protecting group. A basic recommendation of putting two players on the post denied numerous exact shots by the assaulting group. By permittin g the players to consistently develop themselves and possibly having mentor obstruction when totally important the mentor turned into a facilitator not a speaker which is a key quality of productive learning. By deciding the state and needs of the players by interceding to aid improvement, the mentor gave indications of instructional structure learning. During the finish of the third meeting the mentor again adopted a latent strategy. A drill was set up to move opportunity and innovativeness. Samba music was played and the drill was to beat your rival one on one. Abilities and stunts were urged to build up the imagination and pizazz of the players. This remittance of free wandering and placing confidence in the players that they would make and utilize complex abilities was an indication of humanism. To sum up, I accept the mentor was of an elevated level and had the option to show complex drills effortlessly. I saw an assortment of drills educated and a wide scope of learning styles consolidated. There werent many set objectives in the meetings. Rather there was an increasingly broad improvement of a wide scope of aptitudes. Possibly this was because of the mentor uncertain of to what extent his arrangement was with this specific gathering of players. The key focal point of the considerable number of meetings was generally ruled by wellness. In doing this the mentor indicated his essential from of educating was done in a law based way. The players were of an adequate capacity to enhance their own wellness and the mentor was only authorizing the thought not simply the real practice.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Where to Study
Where to Study In college, you may find yourself in the occasional dilemma of where to study. Some might suggest that you study wherever your friends are studying. Some will say they have the perfect location that they will never stray from. Others may not even consider location at all. During my freshman year, I found that I could never study well with others or alone in my residence hall room. I always liked to have a spacious location where I felt comfortable enough to really focus on my work. As my first semester in college went along, I found a place that I considered the best location for studying. I enjoyed studying at the Ikenberry Library since it was so close to Snyder Hall, the residence hall that I lived in my freshman year. I would go to the library for hours and enjoy plenty of studying success. It is a quiet environment with fantastic lighting. Youll only find the perfect place for studying if you try out a ton of different places and situations. Dont be afraid to fail, and keep an open mind to what might work really well. If youre seeing good results on exams after studying at certain locations, stick with what works. Location truly does matter when it comes to studying. Take location seriously and your study game will go to the next level. Jacob Class of 2019 Iâm an Advertising student within the College of Media. My hometown is a place called Fairmount, Illinois, which is about 30 minutes from campus. I began my Illinois journey in the Division of General Studies.
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